
Life Story

Life Story

Iran-Our area in Iran we had Bazaar two times a week (Sat&Wed) people came from rural areas and sell their products. I love the environment of the Bazaar it’s very busy and had a variety of many different products, some families have a chance to see each other and of course, the bargaining time was amazing and always enjoyed.

Vancouver Island- has the same Bazaar every Sat. Since the COVID-19 happened, Bazaars are closed making it difficult for the local farmers and crafters to get their products out there to the public. Now some local businesses try to sell their product in front of their house with distance and some businesses as a group, organize online shopping and delivery. It’s an amazing idea and also very good for people that can’t go outside for shopping.

We order online too from our local milkman. they were busy and had a waitlist. We put our cooler outside and the delivery man fills it up with local goodies.

This is our first order delivery.

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