My Life Story (10)
My Life Story (10)
I have volunteered in a few different countries and one that stands out for me is the street people (spare change) in Vancouver 2004.
The people on the street always intrigued me about their life story. Each story can be a novel or movie. As my experience with street people I try not to intrude or judge them.
One day, I was walking a busy street in Vancouver, I saw a young man around 16 years old on the street and he was asking people for help. I went close to him and ask him:”Are you hungry?”. He said:”yes”. I went other side of the road and bought food and drink for him and passed to him.
He started sharing his history with me, he had a very hard life. His story has never left my mind. After we had talked about an hour, I ask him:”Do you need help to leave street?I had a connection with an organization that can help you”. He said:”I am OK on the street right now, but I would like to have address and phone number”. I passed to him and we shake hands.