
Life (Corona) Story

Life (Corona) Story

Sometimes what you hear and what do you see is different. When I was leaving the town for spring break (before pandemic) everything was look like normal till I arrived the Vancouver international airport. It was very quiet and not crowded with people everywhere.
I used to sky train to get to the hotel. The sky train was almost empty, it was unbelievable and felt so strange. The hotel was dead quiet. After a couple hours I went to my favorite restaurant in downtown area to book for two days for family and friends, plus eat there too. I was the only customer sitting there.
I took a bus back to the hotel. I was thinking how to see my family and friends? I decided to call them and cancel. While I was talking I heard a loud noise and I jumped, I thought the bus had a flat tire. Some people were laughing, I was thinking because of my reaction so, I said, what happened?!. One of the guys said, sorry everyone, I try to not sneezing and affect everyone during this Coronavirus but I farted instead.😍 Everyone laughed.😀😍
He made everyone day.👍

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