Do good, and good will come to you.
Do good, and good will come to you.
As the popular saying goes; “life is what you make it”, If you are giving positive energy, good vibes, and love to people around you, you get back what you give.
1- I went to Home Depot and did all my shopping there. After thinking about how to load all my stuff onto my truck,
suddenly someone from behind came and said, Do you need a hand? Job done, and I thanked him.
2- Same day, I was in line at the store to pay for my shopping, and in front of me was a man with his kid. The kid mentioned to his dad a couple of times, Can I have this candy? but the dad was busy talking to retail. When he pays his shop, I ask him, Are you okay with me buying this candy for her? He said, Are you sure? I said, Yes, and I bought it and passed it to the kid, and I got a beautiful small from her.
The universe is based on a fair exchange. What you give, you will get.![💕]()