
“I am a survivor”

“I am a survivor” *

Last night, I watched a documentary/interview on TV about Amanda Lindhout life. She
was kidnapped in Somali country On August 23, 2008, when she went there as a journalist. She was hostage for 15 months and kidnapper held her for ransom.

During 15 months, She was held in a very dirty room, she was tortured, and was sexually abused.
After 15 months ,She was released after her mother paid the kidnappers money. A part of her recovery she wrote a book called:”A House in the Sky”. The Hollywood makes a movie base of her book.

During her recovery,She went back to Africa to help poverty people.I just wrote a short note to her and sharing my feeling.She has become one of my role models. Surviving such terrible events and goes on to help others. She really gives living and life meaning. Since I saw and read her story it touched me deeply.
*-Picture from CBC page
